Thursday, February 2, 2023

Iran accuses Israel

 For the drone strike in Isfahan, Iran accuses Israel

According to the semi-official ISNA news agency on Thursday, Iran claimed Israel for a drone attack on a military facility close to the capital city of Isfahan and vowed retaliation for what appeared to be the most recent development in a protracted covert conflict. The incident took place in the midst of unrest at home and tensions between Iran and the West over Tehran's nuclear activities and its provision of weapons, including long-range "suicide drones," for Russia's conflict in Ukraine.


Iran's UN representative, Amir Saeid Iravani, wrote to the head of the UN claiming that "initial investigation revealed Israel was responsible" for the attack on Saturday night, which Tehran said didn't result in any fatalities or significant property damage. Iravani wrote in the letter that Iran "reserves its lawful and inherent right to defend its national security and strongly respond to any danger or wrongdoing of the Zionist regime (Israel) wherever and wherever it sees necessary."

"The Zionist regime's (Israel's) action is illegal under international law."


Arch-foe Although it declines to comment on individual occurrences, Israel has long stated that it is prepared to attack Iranian sites if diplomacy fails to rein in Tehran's nuclear or missile programmes.

Since September, negotiations to resurrect the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 have stalled. Tehran consented to restrict its nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of sanctions under the agreement, which Washington abandoned in 2018 under then-President Donald Trump.


Israel has previously been charged by Iran with plotting attacks within Iranian territory using agents.

Tehran claimed in July that it had detained a group of Kurdish extremists who were working with Israel and planning to blow up a "sensitive" defence industry facility near Isfahan.

Iran's Nournews reported on Wednesday that "the tools and explosives used in the Isfahan attack were transported into Iran with the cooperation of anti-revolutionary elements stationed in Iraq's Kurdistan area under directions by a foreign security service."


Isfahan Province is home to a number of nuclear facilities, including Natanz, the focal point of Iran's uranium enrichment programme, which Israel is said to have sabotaged in 2021. In recent years, there have been several explosions and fires near Iranian industrial, nuclear, and military sites.

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