Imran Khan: Pakistan's prime minister and a cricket legend

Former international cricketer turned politician Imran Khan was Pakistan's first prime minister to be removed by a vote of no confidence. He ran for office in July 2018 on a platform of tackling corruption and improving the economy. The second-largest Muslim nation in the world, however, experienced a financial catastrophe as a result of those obligations not being fulfilled. The 70-year-old Mr. Khan has spent his time since being ousted from government speaking to enormous crowds of fans who are upset about it. He doesn't appear to want to leave politics. Tens of thousands of people flocked to the streets in Pakistani cities the night he was overthrown, demonstrating his continued popularity. He was shot and injured in a raid on a protest gathering he was organizing in the eastern city of Wazirabad in November 2022. His aides said it was a murder attempt, but authorities did not immediately establish that he was the intended victim. To call for immediate elections, the former prime minister had been organizing a march toward Islamabad.
Change candidate
Mr. Khan, the change candidate, attempted to avoid the action by ordering the dissolution of parliament and holding a snap election, but the Supreme Court determined that this was against the law. Imran Khan was defeated in the vote of no confidence on April 10 after his opponents received 174 votes out of the 342-member assembly. After the Supreme Court's decision, opposition supporters gathered outside and partied. He asserted that because of his positions in Afghanistan, Russia, and China, his political rivals were working together with the US to overthrow the current government. However, he offered no proof of this, and Washington vehemently rejected any foreign meddling. After years of serving as a minor player in more established parties, populist Mr. Khan came to power in 2018 and projected a picture of a "new Pakistan."His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) was founded in 1996, but it wasn't until the 2013 general election that he became a nationally significant role. Five years later, he was pushed to power by an amazing swing. The PTI experienced significant growth in Punjab province, which accounts for more than half of the 272 seats in the National Assembly that are held by his adversaries Nawaz and Shehbaz Sharif.
As a "change" candidate, Mr. Khan appealed to those who were fed up with the current political system with his pledge to create a brand-new generation of ethical public officials.
Playboy to pious reformer
Imran Khan was born in 1952, the son of a civil engineer and plaything to the religious reformer. Before attending Oxford University, he attended school in Lahore where he and his four sisters enjoyed an affluent life. During these years, his cricketing prowess began to shine, launching him on the path to a glorious international career that lasted two decades and culminated in a World Cup victory in 1992. After helping Pakistan win in 1992, he resigned from cricket and began raising money to build a cancer hospital in honor of his mother. He married Jemima Goldsmith, a British heiress who was 21 years old and the daughter of Sir James Goldsmith, one of the richest men in the world at the time, in 1995 when he was 43 years old. The union gave birth to two boys before ending in 2004. In 2015 saw the end of a second marriage to writer Reham Khan after less than a year. The former BBC weather presenter claims that his fans intimidated her, and she published a frank biography about it.
In 2018, Mr. Khan wed once more in a low-key ceremony. Described as his spiritual adviser, his third wife Bushra Watto is a mother of five. According to observers, their union complements his outward displays of piety for Islam.
Taliban Khan
Imran Khan publicly supports liberalism as a politician while also promoting Islamic ideals and anti-Western hostility. Under his leadership, Islamist militancy in Pakistan significantly increased, and religious fanatics consolidated their power. Mr. Khan can list a few accomplishments. The Covid record in Pakistan has been the finest in South Asia, and a program to combat poverty has achieved strides. Perhaps his most famous accomplishment is bringing universal healthcare to two provinces, which could support him in elections that are scheduled for late 2023 but could be called earlier.
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